Breakfast Sessions

Wednesday 3 July

7:30am - 8:30 am
Adelaide Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Breakfast sessions are hosted by sponsors and provide an opportunity to enjoy an in-depth case study or product/solution overview before the commencement of daily sessions. Tickets are only available to delegates with a full or day registration and can be booked at the time of registration. Places are limited so if you book at ticket, please ensure you attend.

Breakfast Session: Presentation by Australian Medicines Handbook

Wednesday 3 July 2024
Location: Riverbank Room 2, Adelaide Convention Centre
7:30am - 8.30am                                              


Digital Transformation: Collaborative discussion with AMH
Speakers: David Dart, CEO of AMH and Joanne Smith, Digital Business Solutions Manager

Session Overview

AMH invites ANZAHPE members to a breakfast session on Wednesday, 3 July 2024, at 7.30 am in the Riverbank 2 room. This session will feature an open discussion led by David Dart, CEO of AMH, and Joanne Smith, Digital Business Solutions Manager. Attendees will gain an overview of AMH's strategic plan and explore together how the organisation can support healthcare educators in their roles. They will share insights into AMH's digital transformation journey and open for a collaborative discussion on the challenges of education with new technologies. This session aims to foster collaboration and learning from experiences shared by ANZAHPE members

Sponsor Breakfast: Presentation by RISR/

Wednesday 3 July 2024
Location: riverbank Room 4, Adelaide Convention Centre
7.30am - 8.30am                         

Evolving with our customers 
Speaker: Mary Lawson, risr/ Asia Pacific                                                                                                          

Session Overview

Assessment needs change and we thrive on keeping up with those changing customer needs at risr/ 

Come along to this breakfast session to learn about how we work with customer suggestions and assessment priorities to develop our software functionality. We will describe our evolution process and how we work collaboratively with our customers to inform and shape our developments. 

You can also learn more about what we are working on at the moment including: 

  • Enhancing document management for our e-portfolio users 
  • Adding a new standard setting method for written exams 
  • Integrating AI into our modules to assist with item writing and Portfolio management.   

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