Pre-reading material

Preparatory work: Prepare a writing sample

Presenters: Andy Wearn, Tim Wilkinson and Karen Scott

This workshop is part of the regular program at ANZAHPE conferences. It is offered by the Focus on Health Professional Education (FoHPE) editorial board to assist ANZAHPE members in developing their academic writing.

Intended participants: Novice writers/researchers who are writing for publication for the first time or who have published a small number of papers.

Preparatory work: Participants need to bring a piece of their own writing to the workshop, e.g., a title, abstract or introductory paragraph.

The workshop will:

·         assist participants in getting their message across in publications, by working on participants’ small samples of text

·         provide feedback and advice on an issue related to a particular paper

·         involve a mixture of short presentations and small group work.

Preparatory work: Participants to bring BYO sim activity idea or current sim activity

Presenters: Marie-Claire O'Shea, Griffith University

Presenters: Elizabeth Kachur and Chaoyan Dong

Preparatory work: Participants will be provided and asked to complete the Mentoring Cases document during the Symposia 1 session.



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