2025 Sponsors

Trans-Tasman Lobster Conference 2025 thanks all the sponsors for their generous support.
Without them, a conference of this calibre would not be possible.

Primary Sponsor


Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) takes a leading role in planning and investment in fisheries research and development (R&D) to support the ongoing sustainability of Australia’s aquatic sectors and aquatic ecosystems.

FRDC is a co-funded partnership between the Australian Government and fisheries and aquaculture. 

In addition to planning, investing in and managing R&D for fishing and aquaculture and the wider community, FRDC also prioritises the adoption of the knowledge and innovations resulting from its investments. 

FRDC’s investments are directed to R&D that has a benefit for Indigenous, commercial and recreational fishing and aquaculture, while also delivering a public good benefit to the Australian community.

Bronze Sponsors

This event would not be possible without the support from our
Rock Lobster Fishing Associations


 Barista Sponsor   

Conference Manager

Event Studio
60 Wellington Square 
North Adelaide SA 5006
08 8379 8222