Conference Program

Conference Program Overview 

The theme of the 2021 24th AAABG conference is “Widening the range of technologies used in animal breeding and genetics”, and as always, the meeting will focus on economically important, domesticated animal species. We are delighted to have 5 exemplary plenary speakers covering topics within this theme including Sonja Dominik, Mark Hutchinson, John McEwan, Suzanne Rowe and Professor Naomi Wray. An overview of plenary speakers can be found here.

In addition, we are very fortunate to have Ben Hayes presenting the John Vercoe Memorial Lecture and Kevin Atkins delivering his Helen Turner Newton Oration for his 2019 medal. And of course, we will hear a second Helen Turner Newton Oration during the AAABG business meeting…

Most importantly, the number of papers and quality of the papers submitted to the 24th AAABG Conference were exceptional. In addition, papers from breeders and industry representatives were deliberately sought for the second day of Conference (November 3rd) to facilitate networking between geneticists and practitioners. Consequently, we trust that you will find the program exciting and stimulating.

As a three (3) day conference was preferred by our members, it has been quite a challenge to organise the sessions so that a maximum numbers of papers can be presented. To this end, the oral presentations will be relatively short so there is time for questions. In addition, the posters will be presented as advertisements with access to longer recordings for viewing at a later time.

It has been also a challenge to organise an on-line conference that will engage delegates and maximise interactions between the speakers and the audience. So we are grateful that the talks can be pre-recorded and accessible for 3 months after the conference. We are also grateful that so many people volunteered to host local hubs to maximise interactions and networking.

Note that currently, the program is a draft version (see below) and that the timing of specific sessions is subject to change. However, the dates and the length of program will not change so that delegates can plan accordingly. More details regarding the plenary sessions and the concurrent sessions will be released on a regular basis as well as updates of the scientific program.


Please find below flyers for relevant AAABG Conference locations and Producer Day - we look forward to welcoming you!


Please find below flyers for relevant AAABG Conference locations and Producer Day - we look forward to welcoming you!

Conference Manager

For all conference enquiries, please talk to the team at:
Event Studio Group Pty Ltd


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