
The conference will be packed with inspiring keynotes and exciting breakout sessions from institutions spanning across countries in Asia Pacific. There will be plenty of opportunities to network, ask questions, meet the teaching & learning community virtually, interact with Blackboard partners and find out how educators can take the next step (or the first step!) in their digital teaching & learning journey. There will also games, trivias, and definitely, winners!

Key Dates

Event Date 
17th - 19th August 2021 

Early bird registration opens March  2021


TLC features inspiring international speakers from that will change the way you think and help you thrive in a changing environment. Come and listen to keynotes from renowned thought leaders, provocative panel discussions and engaging sessions led by peer institutions leading the charge in online education.


Our first virtual TLC Asia Pacific is a 2-day event of announcements, ideas and connections. In addition to highly anticipated Blackboard keynotes and product updates, the program includes both inspiring client-led and Blackboard-led sessions addressing our global success of working with industry leaders, discussing strategies, innovations and challenges facing institutions today.


Network and chat live with the Blackboard leadership team, industry experts, colleagues and partners who can offer insights and best practices to help your institution achieve its goals. Between the breakout sessions, explore our virtual lounge area and connect with exhibitors to make professional connections that can shape and drive your strategic vision.

Conference Manager

For all conference enquiries, please talk to the team at:
Event Studio Group Pty Ltd


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