Associate Professor Fiona Simpson, BSc PhD

Research Fellow, Queensland Head and Neck Research Centre

UQDI in the Translational Research Institute, The University of Queensland

Fiona completed her PhD on cellular trafficking at the University of Cambridge, UK. She was then a Welcome Trust Prize Post-doctoral fellow at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, working on trafficking and endocytosis of RTKs. 

Fiona is currently a Fellow of the Queensland Head and Neck Cancer Centre.            

The Simpson lab research program is focused directly on the translation of research findings into new cancer therapies and has generated a novel method for antibody-mediated cancer therapy and associated companion diagnostic methods which are covered by three international patent applications and published in Cell and Cell Press STAR Protocols. 

Fiona was the lead scientific investigator on a Phase I proof of concept study of the novel therapy in head and neck cancer (HREC/15/QPAH/48) and the Lead scientific Investigator on Phase IB dose escalation trail (CESTEM-1), now completed.

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